What is life coaching?
Life coaching explores questions and/or themes that manifest themselves in your life. Without judgment it helps you to identify non-helpful and ingrained patterns, and to reflect on difficult periods and crucial intersections you’ve experienced.
Together we’ll identify your current wishes, dreams and choices, and explore what you want your life to be like. We may also examine past experiences and wounds that influence how you feel in your life right now. We do this through cognitive, logic input (by talking) but also through experiencing and feeling (by working with the body). We’ll look appreciably at who you “are”. By using different methods like talking, intuition and deep exercises we’ll get to the core. Some of things you encounter may need time. Our beliefs are sometimes imprinted in our system so firmly that you need someone to shake them up a little to free yourself, and to throw a different light on things.
Do you recognize one or more of these examples in your own life?
- You want more in-depth experiences and meaningful contact with people around you
- You experience an imbalance between your work and private life, or feel stuck because you have done too much for too long
- You recognize recurring ineffective patterns in your life that you finally want to break through
- You feel sad, empty, powerless, dissatisfied, or have angry feelings that you do not know what to do with
- You want to feel more confident and experience your own secure base and autonomy
- Your workload exceeds your ability to cope and you suffer from stress and exhaustion
- You have a dream but feel stuck in your daily tasks and responsibilities
- You lack inspiration and sense of purpose or you no longer live according to your values and motives
- You are unable to make bold choices or don’t know how to get your affairs in order
- You suffer from a busy feeling in your head or from continuous and haunting thoughts where you are severely judgmental about yourself
- You need a coach (temporarily) to support you in entering into, saying goodbye to or intensifying relationships (love, saying goodbye, daring to enter into new relationships)
Then life coaching is for you.
Life coaching helps you to focus your time & energy on what’s important to you. So that you will become happier and more vitalized.
Call +31 6 53 70 62 42 or fill in the contact form below. We will contact you.