If I were me
I’d realize how much
all of us
matter to each other
even the ones who can’t feel it.
That darkness in your brain
that tells you you’re not good enough
is lying
You can often tell by how hard it works
it sends constant reminders
because it fears you’re not going to believe it
All those little things
your brain claims don’t count –
they make a difference to someone else
Maybe it’s a nod to a stranger
Maybe it’s a like on Facebook
Maybe you made someone smile
Maybe you make someone feel better
When you’re brain is working overtime
telling you that you don’t matter
it knows it lies
otherwise it wouldn’t work this hard
Some days the little differences you make
are the biggest ones
for someone else
If I were me
I’d let you know
I want you in my life
I support you
I care about how you feel
I’m willing to be there in bad times
I’m willing to share the good times
I’m willing to let you know my boundaries
so you know you’re always safe with me
– No lies –
Just my own inadequacies
because I’m human too
If I were me
I’d be grateful for having you in my life
exactly the way you are
By Angela van Son