Numerology: a Seven’s Meaning

door | 7 mei 2019

Number sevens

My birthday was on may seventh in 1966. There, I did it: I shared my age, not many people (read: women) do that. Age is not just a number. In this blog you can read why. My number is seven and it stands for introspection and inner wisdom.

Introspection & cognitive problem solvers
When a seven is around problems can be analyzed precisely, as they are reflective and keen and sharp observers with an eye for detail. Quick and insightful thinkers who are good at coming up with workable solutions. Besides the cognitive strength sevens can also are sensitive people and they love to work together on projects and issues.

Sensitive, cooperative storytellers

A seven is able to engage with other people in a meaningful way. Superficial chatter is not so much their thing. They prefer genuine contact with depth and are able to feel empathy. They are thoughtful and warm people to have around. They are cooperative. As they like to be around others sevens are also eloquent speakers and good storytellers. They do well in the spotlight with people listening to them.

More numerology number 7 meanings

The deep-down basic essence of the numerology number 7 is introspection and the attainment of wisdom also through introspection.

The 7 essence is knowledge of self and has wisdom gained through knowledge of self and sets this as a life priority. There’s an ongoing urge to accumulate wisdom. Both spiritual and analytical factors are applied to every new thing discovered about itself. Perfection and beauty are important. Quality is much appreciated.

Imagine being intuitively connected to ancient wisdom and knowing yourself in relation to that wisdom. Both the analytical and spiritual aspects of yourself are known and accepted. Even so, there is continuing analysis of yourself in relation to everything around you.

Erna van Lingen is een veelzijdige professional en auteur van blogs en artikelen die gaan over leven en werk in de breedste zin van het woord. Haar blogs creëert ze zelf, zonder ChatGPT of AI in te zetten. Ze zijn authentiek, creatief en uit het leven gegrepen. Erna traint, coacht, faciliteert en verzorgt ontwikkeltrajecten gericht op het aanboren van de kwaliteiten en talenten van het individu, het team en/of de organisatie. Samen met de ander onderzoekt ze waardevrij wat krachtig en helpend is en wat beter of anders kan. Samenwerken, waarderend kijken, openheid en verbindende en geweldloze communicatie kenmerken haar werkstijl.

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