The difference between empathy and sympathy…

door | 16 feb 2016

Why do we all do it wrong?
Where in school did we learn the wrong way of showing empathy? People thínk they empathise, but in reality they really don’t. With sympathy we create distance instead of connection. How come nobody in early life or school teaches us what to say and do when people are stuck in the black whole? How different our world would look if we used it! I would most certainly want to train our politicians. We know that the higher the position, the lower empathy becomes in leaders and politicians.

The Unlearned relearned
I believe we enter the world with a perfectly functioning radar for others peoples sorrow. Maybe because children don’t have all the solutions lined up. And somewhere along the way adults (why think they have all the answers) teach us not to use it anymore. Even animals have it. Let us learn from the children. They have valuable things to teach us.

Note to self! And to parents, teachers and other role models
Share this video as much as you can: show it in schools, during sport practice or other events. Learn, teach and change your behaviour. We need to change this, for others around us, and for our own sake. Instead of coming up with solutions or do what the sympathising deer does in this clarifying short video of @BreneBrown about #Empathy.

Blog by Erna van Lingen

Erna van Lingen is een veelzijdige professional en auteur van blogs en artikelen die gaan over leven en werk in de breedste zin van het woord. Haar blogs creëert ze zelf, zonder ChatGPT of AI in te zetten. Ze zijn authentiek, creatief en uit het leven gegrepen. Erna traint, coacht, faciliteert en verzorgt ontwikkeltrajecten gericht op het aanboren van de kwaliteiten en talenten van het individu, het team en/of de organisatie. Samen met de ander onderzoekt ze waardevrij wat krachtig en helpend is en wat beter of anders kan. Samenwerken, waarderend kijken, openheid en verbindende en geweldloze communicatie kenmerken haar werkstijl.

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